Worship and Music
Every Sunday morning at 10:30, we gather for worship and fellowship. While our minister Rev. Bloomfield leads worship, prays, and preaches the gospel, he is supported in this by the Worship Committee, which organizes sanctuary decorations and arranges volunteer ushers, greeters, nursery workers, and elevator operators (our sanctuary is fully accessible). Members also participate as scripture readers and Communion servers.
At Grace United, we really like our music! We enjoy singing our favourites, to the accompaniment of the pipe organ. We are blessed to have a very talented, young, enthusiastic organist. We like to sing the old hymns, as well as some of the newer, contemporary worship songs. There is always something special going on here during services. It might be a soloist, an instrumental song, or a band. We have piano, flute, clarinet, violin, saxophone, marimba, trumpet, trombone, and hand bells that also make appearances. We regularly have a variety of musical concerts at the church, usually on a Sunday afternoon. Music enriches our worship experience!
Sunday School
United Church Women (UCW)
The UCW is a very active group of women within our church family at Grace United. Its goal is to unite all women of the congregation and to provide a medium through which they may express their loyalty and devotion to Jesus in Christian witness, study, fellowship, and service. Every woman in the congregation is most welcome to participate in whatever way she feels comfortable! Except during July and August, UCW meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Parlour for a brief worship time, a business meeting, and then fellowship with treats. If you would like more information or transportation to a meeting, call Susan Baker at 905-774-5981.
UCW contributes to the work of the church in these ways:
- An annual Snowflake Bazaar in November.
- Trips and outings (e.g., Five Oaks, Mary Maxim’s in Paris).
- Food and refreshments for many events (e.g., a bowling banquet, concerts, funeral receptions, talent nights, the church’s annual meeting, Anniversary Sunday lunch).
- Financial contributions to local needs, the Mission & Service Fund, the Foodgrains project, the church’s insurance, and renovations.
Grace United is involved in both local and global outreach. The congregation contributes to this work through its support of the Mission and Service Fund, as well as through special fundraising events. Through the Outreach Committee, the people of Grace
- Support appeals of the United Church (e.g., natural disaster relief) and assist in selected appeals within the Dunnville community.
- Cooperate with community social agencies, including the Dunnville Food Bank, the local Salvation Army, and the Youth Impact Centre.
- Promote the study and support of world-wide concerns of the Church.
- Support an annual Foodgrains project.
- We are working to sponsor two more families to Canada from Iraq and Syria.
Men’s Ministries
Bible Studies and Other Groups