Welcome to The United Church of Canada, a church with a rich, progressive, and continuing history of welcoming all in the name of Christ. 

The United Church of Canada came together in 1925, through a union of Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and other Christian churches – one of the first ecumenical unions in the world to bring together major Christian denominations into one body. 

“We are not alone,” is the first line of “A New Creed,” one of our statements of belief. The United Church of Canada has a long history of welcoming people of all backgrounds and orientations – wherever you are in your faith journey.

What We Believe

United Church faith communities welcome people from all backgrounds and orientations. This section offers an overview of our beliefs.

  • Faith and the Bible
  • The Bible is the shared standard for our faith, but members are not required to adhere to any particular creed or formulation of doctrine.
  • Baptism and Communion
  • The United Church celebrates two sacraments—baptism and communion—by which we encounter the presence and goodness of God.
  • Marriage
  • Each person is a unique, loved creation of God; we welcome all people to the full life of Christian community, including marriage.
  • Relationship and Inclusion
  • Respectful of the religious practice of all people of goodwill, we are a welcoming church that is challenged to ongoing renewal.
  • Social Justice
  • Following the example of Jesus, we believe that we strengthen one another to work, through God’s grace, for a better world.
  • Giving, Generosity, and Gratitude
  • God’s endless generosity to us encourages our own response to contribute in many ways to God’s mission in God’s world.