Musical Prelude and Service with Rev. Brian Howell. . Music provided with permission through licensing with CCLI License number 2701258 and One License # A-731789
Musical Prelude and Service. Matthew 25:14-30 & Judges 4:1-7 It sometimes gets lost in our earnest and careful reflection on and study of scripture, but I really need to believe […]
Musical Prelude and Service. 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 & Matthew 25:1–13 Yet again, we find ourselves considering a passage of scripture that makes me, and maybe more than a few of […]
Musical Prelude and Service. 1 Thessalonians 2: 9–13 & Matthew 23:1–12 The United Church of Canada suggests we take the Sunday prior to Remembrance Day to mark this important day. […]