Musical Prelude and Service. Isaiah 43:1-7 & Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 There are some generalities around preparing sermons. Well, at least, that’s what I have come to believe. Like pretty much […]
Musical Prelude and Service. Matthew 2:1-12 Back during Advent, I spent a little bit of time discussing the idea of Metanoia. That change of mind or change of direction. On […]
Musical Prelude and Service. Luke 2:41-52 We are still in the Christmas season of course, but this morning we hear a story from about 12 years after that nativity […]
Musical Prelude and Service. Luke 1:39-56 When I first started the discernment process for ministry somewhere around 20 years ago, I must admit I didn’t know much about the process […]