Musical Prelude and Service. Psalm 124 & Mark 10:38-0 I found myself scratching my head a few times when we reflect on this scripture and attempting to mentally connect […]
Musical Prelude and Service. saiah 65:17-25 I find the season of Creation a challenging time. I fully believe it is crucial that we as a community set aside time […]
Musical Prelude and Service. Sermon – September 15 – Jeremiah 4:23-28 & Philippians 2:14-18 I don’t often point to the bleak images that we can pull up on our phones […]
Musical Prelude and Service. Geneses 1:26-28 & Mark 10:41-45 Last week I spoke about the first of the creation stories in Genesis. I reflected about how creation is a deliberate […]
Musical Prelude and Service. Genesis 1:1-25 & John 1:1-15 As we enter the month of September, the church uses this time to reflect on the gift of Creation. The next […]